How Not to be a Gym DoucheBag


Photocred: google images

The past couple days I have been pondering on what to write about in this gym blog. During my gym session yesterday I was working my Back and Bis, and something happened that really aggravated me. I then had a sudden Ah-ha! moment. I found a subject for my next blog. “How NOT to be a Gym Douche-bag.”
I was doing preacher curls, when a man approached me and asked if I would mind alternating between sets. Of course, I do not mind sharing equipment when the gym is busy. Everyone is there for the same reasons, and needs to get their workout in, so I agreed. When I began my next set, he moved and walked in front of me, grabbed my arm, and began to spot me without asking permission.  Just because I allow you to share equipment with me, does not suddenly make us best-friends and give you permission to touch me. I disregarded the man,  and moved to a different equipment machine to work a different muscle group with hopes that he wouldn’t follow me.

Douche-bag rule #1: Do not run up to spot strangers in the gym. If they are uncertain about the weight they’re lifting and need a spot, they will ask.

I began doing bent over rows on the smith machine when mid-set, I glanced over and saw him standing there. Suddenly, he too felt the need to begin working out his back. He avoided making eye contact with me, and only looked my way when I was not looking in his direction. Newsflash: The walls of most gyms are covered with mirrors. It is easy to spot when you are staring at me even if I am not physically looking in your direction.

Douche-bag rule #2: Do not stalk the opposite sex. We are not prey. We are in the gym to work-out just as you are.

Once again, I disregarded the man and continued with my workout. If I ignore him, he’ll go away. (So I thought.) I began my next set, when I felt a hand on my lower back! Now, not only is he looking at me, he is trying to give me guidance on how to perform the exercise without straining my back. Although, I always appreciate constructive criticism, I knew I was doing the workout correctly and he had other intentions.

Douche-bag rule #3: Do not approach women in the gym and offer guidance. If they are confused on how to properly execute a workout, they will ask someone.

At this point I politely asked him to leave me alone, so I could continue with my workout. alone. Note taken.. Ladies! Do not be afraid to speak up and tell a man to leave you alone if he is stalking you in the gym.

Other douche-bag rules that can be easily avoided:

Douche-bag rule #4: Do not lift your shirt to take flex photos while working out.

Douche-bag rule #5: Do not practice your stage poses while other people are trying to lift. This can be done at home in front of a mirror. There is no need to go to the gym, to get in someone’s way if you aren’t lifting.

Douche-bag rule #6: Do not yell as loud as possible when lifting heavy weights. Breathe. 

Douche-bag rule #7: Chalk helps lift, but don’t get it all over the place. I once left a gym completely covered in chalk without using chalk my entire workout. Douche-bag.

Douche-bag rule #8:  Rack Your Weights! I’m not sure why I didn’t think to put this one higher, because of it’s importance.

IMG_3542Douche-bag rule #9:  Wipe down your equipment after you use it. I hate to break it to you, but no one wants to lay in your sweat.

Douche-bag rule #10: Do not bring a duffel bag full of your supplements to lay them out on the bench during your workout. There is no need for having entire buckets. Two words: Ziploc baggies!

One of my favorite videos at the moment is on what it’s like to be a woman at the gym. I thought of this video yesterday when this had happened to me and I’d love to share it with you all. Check it out!

Please comment below if you have any other “Douche-bag rules”. I’m interested to hear more!



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